Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Wikio Wine and Beer Top Blogs: January 2010

This is the first chance I’ve had to announce the Wikio Wine and Beer list and here they are for January...
The Wikio list is based on links in and out. Some say that it it therefore means quite insular to our inter-linking blogs and the list is largely self-congratulatory, however, they are important for other reasons, looking beyond the beer and wine blogging community and focusing on the bigger picture.

Links – in, out, reciprocal - increase web-presence. Links to high ranking sites increase your web presence further (so twitter, facebook, youtube, etc. are good). Ranking sites according to their web-presence is important. When you want to find out some information, what do you do? I search google. The better the web-presence, the more chance there is of a website coming back higher up on the results list (which means more people are likely to click on it and read it...). Ultimately we all want to champion good beer. By linking in and out of other blogs and other websites we are pushing and promoting ourselves and therefore beer in general. The better web-presence we all have, the more likely it is that someone searching for, say, ‘Thornbridge Bracia’ will land on a blog to (hopefully) get some of the information they need (do a search for Thornbridge Bracia and see how many blogs come up...). We should celebrate this and support each other as blogs are often going to be searched for information before any other form of reference. This also makes my comments yesterday about bloggers more relevant.

Add links. It’s important (and not just to see you rise up the wikio list).

It’s still great to see so many beer blogs on this list (16 of the Top 20). Let’s make it our 2010 aim to support each other, read the other blogs and, importantly, comment and talk about what is there as much as we can. We are the voices of beer in the UK (and slightly beyond, in some cases).


  1. I'm not sure I get this. Is it just a cred thing?

  2. Pretty much :D

    I'm surprised to see I'm still in the list (14) despite very little blogging done over December. Congrats on getting back to #2, Mark. As BrewDog are really a commercial enterprise with a blog as a marketing tool they don't count ;)

  3. PS. I still think that it should be Beer and Wine. And I still think that Brew Dog isn't a beer blog. It's an advertorial.

  4. "Let’s make it our 2010 aim to support each other"

    I'm with you 100% on that.

  5. Barry, Tandleman, I agree with you on the Brewdog thing (I also said that to Dan from wikio in the email I sent him earlier!) and of course it should be beer and wine! I originally had it titled that but thought I'd better change it so that it's technically accurate!

  6. Well done Mark. I bet Pete Brown wishes he hadn't been nice in December, now... ;-)

  7. I tried adding my blog to Wikio a few weeks back. I wasn't expecting to make the top 40, but I can't seem to find it listed in wikio at all.

    I used the online form on the wikio site. Am I doing something wrong?

  8. Odd as I went up the ratings despite not doing much over December. Did more live blogging in December from the mobile than from pc. Most popular blog post was about cider and Parliament as well.

  9. Hi Chunk, what is your Blog name and URL?

    Hi everyone else, the list is based on backlinks to your blog, as Mark explained; you can read more here - http://www.wikio.co.uk/blogs/top/wine_and_beer#

    Thanks for your other comments. I will see if we can change the name of the ranking.


    Wikio UK

  10. A pointless exercise, in my view, as the presence of a blatantly commercial blog at No.1 demonstrates. Hats off to the Brewdog lot, though, for knowing how to play the game so well.

  11. Dan: Blog is "Beer. Birra. Bier".

    The URl is: www.beerbirrabier.blogspot.com

    (also in my profile).

    It was probably something I did wrong when going through the regestration form.

  12. Whose the best blogger? As Harry Hill says, only one way to decide. Fight!

  13. Chunk, this is just a preview, the full list gets properly updated in the next few days.

    Cookie, could we do a drinking competition? Pint of lager, pint of cask real ale, pint of extreme beer. Go!

  14. Ahh, so my blog could be listed when the update for Jan is made official.

    Too eager!

  15. Seems i've not moved again - oh well ;o)

    nice post though mark!

    agree on the brewdog thing, its not a classic blog its more of an advertorial.

    Nice to see a lot of the blogs i read doing consistently well too.

  16. Right Cookie, outside...........

  17. In this weather Dave?,

    I'm already a couple of cans ahead of you all, catch up markie.

  18. scrap my earlier comment about not moving - ive moved to 29 ;o)

  19. I had the same problem as Chunk, but i'm kinda 'computer-dunce' so it's probably my fault.

  20. I have fallen out of love with Wikio as my ranking is now at a lowly 31 :-) Steve

  21. Funny, that, Steve, my opinion this month has swung sharply the other way :o>
