Thursday 20 August 2009

Fantasy Pub Week! 4: The Fridge

Yesterday we agonized through the cask list but in my Fantasy Pub I also want a fridge full of drinks and perhaps a few lined up behind the bar. Similarly to the cask stuff, you can have three permanent bottles plus the full range of ONE brewery. You will also probably like to have some spirits or something else (perhaps a soft drink, maybe wine or cider or perhaps just more beer), in case the mood takes you, so you can choose three bottles of ANYTHING else you like.

Three permanent bottles
The full-range (or at least most of the range – you don’t need to say which) of bottles from ONE brewery
Three bottles of ANYTHING else

My three permanents: Orval, Pliny the Elder and Harviestoun’s Ola Dubh (I will be cheeky and allow myself a rolling change of the range).

I’d want the full bottle range from Mikkeller.

And my three OTHER bottles: Some BrewDog Tokyo* (instead of any spirits), Coke Zero (to keep Lauren happy) and water (for when I’ve had one too many).


  1. Three permanent bottles
    DogFish Head Indian Brown Ale
    Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
    Southern Tier IPA

    Full-range from one brewery
    I would have my own, i would bottle some of all the exsperimental and seasonal brews that i do so that they can be tasted and comparded all year round.
    Fentimans Dandelion & Burdock
    Timmermans Strawberry

  2. Yes, I'd probably go for the Mikkeller range, too, though I'm tempted by the He'Brew beers as well.
    The three bottles? Jever Pils, BrewDog Rake Raspberry. And a Trappist, I can't make up my mind which one.

    Plus water, Highland Park 12 yrs and a bottle of calvados

  3. This is another hard one, especailly the 3 permanant ones.

    I'd agree and go with the full range from mikkeller.

    3 permanents would be chimay (again being cheeky and rotating them) thornbridge halcyon, Theakstons paradise ale

    3 other bottles would be Timmy taylors landlord, sam smiths stout and some cropton honey gold for emily as thats her fave at the moment.

  4. actually i might scrap the land lord for some irn bru or ginger beer (soft drink not alcoholic)

  5. This is really tough but without over thinking it I'd say...

    Three permanent bottles:
    De Cam Oude Gueuze
    Cantillon Blåbær Lambik
    Pliney the Elder

    Full-range from one brewery:

    Three Others:
    Stone Ruination
    Struise Pannepot
    Russian River Supplication

    Water and soft drinks should be standard, if not the pub would have to be next to a newsagent, lol...

  6. Permanent bottles:

    Norrebro Bombay Pale Ale
    Primator 24 Double Baltic Porter

    Full Range from a single brewery:

    Hook Norton

    Three others (assuming wine and spirits coming later in the week):

    Mattoni mineral water
    Mrs Velkyal's Homemade Dandelion wine
    Kofola (a Czech cola-esque drink)

  7. Some quality bottle choices today - I'd love to drink in any pubs that sold those beers!!

    Bring on the pub tonight, I'm getting thirsty and Marble Pint will be on!

  8. Three permanents bottles - Hansens Oude Gueuze, De Schans Saison, Westvleteren Blue Cap.

    Whole range - De Molen

    Three others - Marble Dobber (hopefully coming later this year, by the way, Outstanding Stout, Jever Pils (for those "really need a lager" moments).
