Monday 12 October 2009

One Today

A year ago today I made the first entry on this blog (a post which doesn't make too much sense now - lots has changed from that; my other blog has been updated and is not about screenwriting, my other website no longer exists). 90,000-odd words and 161 posts later, here we are. A lot has happened in that year; I’ve drunk lots of new beers, learnt lots of new stuff, been to some cool beer-places, met some great new people and made lots of new friends. It’s been a great year for me. And a great year personally too - graduating from my master’s, starting a career, moving into a new flat and writing the first draft of a novel.

The thing with a blog is that it becomes a diary and it lasts for as long as I want it to be there. This means I can track what I was thinking and drinking and it makes for interesting reading, being able to look back and see changes. It took me a while to find my voice and my place but now I’m really pleased with what I’ve got here and I’ll raise my glass to you all tonight because without people reading my stuff then it wouldn’t be what it is now. Cheers!

And check out the blog tomorrow morning as I’ll be announcing a new idea which I hope you’ll be interested in and want to take part in…

I haven’t decided exactly what beers tonight to drink yet, but there will definitely be a Bracia in there as I’ve had some great times with Thornbridge and there’ll be some BrewDog too as I’ve had a lot of their beer this year and James asking me to write some food and beer pairing for them was a major boost for me; it gave me confidence to write more, better.


  1. Cheers! Good job Mark, keep on just like this and we'll celebrate your 10th blogiversary, or 50th. :)

  2. Happy Blog Day!

    Keep up the good work, i have really enjoyed reading you posts!

  3. Happy anniversary, Mark! And I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Big Idea...

  4. Happy blogday, Mark. May your pencil never run short of lead nor your spoon lose it's.. er.. spoonishness.

  5. Cheers for your support over the last year Mark, really appreciate the cool stuff you've written about us at Thornbridge!!

  6. Happy blogday!

    Commenting on the move is a pain when the word verification pic doesn't load.

  7. Looking forward to another year.Great stuff


  8. Congratulations!

  9. Happy Birthday-Personally I don't think you're as bad as everyone says:)

  10. Yes well done Mark. I was at the point of writing this earlier when my PC just went blank. Only got it going after much anguish, so sorry these words are late.

    I don't think you are as bad as Tyson says everyone says you are either. (-;

  11. Cheers everyone, much appreciated. I'm sitting back and drinking my Bracia now and loving every sip.

    Tyson, Tandleman, you are too kind :)
