Sunday 13 December 2009

The Hop Press: Fantasy Christmas Drinking

Tomorrow I’ll be posting the beers that I will hopefully be drinking on Christmas Day but this one for The Hop Press is about the fantasy line up of beers that I wish I could be drinking - you know me, I always want to drink what I can’t get, the special bottles that are rare and famous and ‘Best’ listed – I’m a fickle, thirsty beer geek.

What would your fantasy Christmas Day of drinking involve? Rare bottles, favourite casks, festively themed beers? You also get presents - a weekend away and one bottle of beer, plus you can choose the movie you watch on the day.


  1. I'm probably going to crack open my bottle of Russian River Consecration after lunch. Haven't thought too much beyond that...

  2. Just read your final paragraph properly (d'oh!). It'd be vertical beer and film. Maybe Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout or Fuller's Vintage Ale, and I'd be watching something in a 'Carry On...', or, preferably, all of them (or at least up to 'Convenience' - they tend to flag after that one...).

    My special bottle would be Russian River Supplication, and I have no idea where's I'd be doing all this...
