Thursday 24 March 2011

Brewery History: Issue 139. Michael Jackson

The latest issue of Brewery History is dedicated to Michael Jackson. It’s a compilation put together by 10 contributors: Pete Brown, Jeff Evans, Martyn Cornell, Tim Webb, Roger Protz, Zak Avery, Carolyn Smagalski, JR Richards, John Keeling and me. It tracks Michael’s career, his writing, his influence around the world and it ends with my piece about his ongoing influence in the new media.

The issue will be launched at The Rake on Sunday 27 March at 6pm. It’s a fitting day as it would’ve been Michael Jackson’s 69th birthday. A few of us will be there on Sunday, along with Tim Holt, the editor, where issues will be available to buy (or you can buy them here).

Steve Williams and Pete Brown have both covered the event here.

I never met Michael Jackson – I started writing about beer after he’d died – but his influence is incredible and impossible to underestimate and his writing lines my bookshelves. It was an honour to be asked to contribute and I can’t wait to read the issue.

1 comment:

  1. Showmon muthafuka! I also have quite a few of his books. Perhaps you should write some books Dredge? It would rule.
